After moving to Colorado from Galveston, TX there aren’t many people that I can say are still my friends from my childhood. Our parents being family friends meant that Colin and I have known each other since before we could walk, talk, or even crawl. When we were little I figured we would continue to be friends long after elementary school, but never did I think I would be the one to photograph his wedding. And man was it amazing. They chose Boulder, at the Flagstaff Sunrise Amphitheater to have their ceremony. It had rained at the last few weddings I shot but always cleared up by the ceremony. I was banking on that.
Kristin looked amazing in her grandmothers wedding dress walked slowly through the trees to meet the man of her dreams when there was a loud bang of thunder. No problem I thought. I was wrong. First a drizzle, and then a rain storm like I have never been outside in before. They say if it rains on your wedding day its good luck. I say it makes for the most memorable wedding, and most amazing pictures. Luckily the reception was as Chitaqua Park to get everyone cozy after that unforgettable monsoon.
You can see this wedding featured on 9 News with an interview from the couple!
Wedding Planner: La Dolce Events